
As the New Year approaches, so does New Year’s resolutions. It is a great time to analyze your productivity over the last year. If you are your own boss, or work remotely from home, you may find it difficult to delegate your time appropriately. If you are not 100% satisfied with your performance over 2015, take heart – this gives you lots of room for improvement!

Here are some tips that could change your life in 2016. The next year will be your year! Ensure that your business is more successful than ever thanks to improved productivity and time management skills.

#1 Learn from past mistakes

  • Too many business owners spend time thinking about mistakes they made or things that went wrong. Do not waste time looking back; instead, focus on the future and how you can avoid making these same missteps.
  • Successful business owners are able to turn failures into success. By learning from these mistakes and lost opportunities, you gain valuable experience.

#2 Do not be afraid

Here is an exercise to try. Use your answers to these questions to inspire you to action in 2016:

  1. Think how the opinion of other people limits you and your creativity. How many times did you hold your tongue or not act because you were afraid what others would think?
  2. Have you thought what would you do if you were not afraid to fail?
  3. How would your life look differently today if you spoke up or took action in the past?

#3 Delegate

  • If you are hiring other people, there are many tasks you should delegate in order to find more time for your own work. According to great entrepreneur and investor Richard Branson, delegating tasks to right people is the secret to his success.
  • Afraid to delegate tasks and projects? Start small: begin by telling your employees to take over easy tasks. When you see they can handle it, you will be less afraid to assign projects over time.

#4 Surround yourself with inspiring people

  • Spending time with people who inspire you can help you become more productive. Thanks to them, you learn a lot, get more creative, and become less afraid to dream big.
  • Meeting somebody that you appreciate? Curious about somebody’s way to success? Want to know their secret to being more productive? Ask! Find out what motivates him or her, and his/her driving force. Listening to success stories and tips helps you and your business.

#5 Plan where you want to be in 2017

  • Think of where you want to be exactly one year from now. Take into account your dreams, goals and the future of your business. Then ask yourself: do I do everything to be there the next year? What do I need to do differently?
  • Ask it regularly to make sure you are on track. It will work as productivity booster as long as you stay honest with yourself.

These are just a few ways to boost your productivity in the new year. As you settle into 2016 and find other tips and tricks, I would love to hear how these and other hacks have boosted your productivity and business success. Feel free to comment below – and have a happy New Year’s!